Do you want to create art but you don't know where to start?

Maybe you feel you do not have proper art supplies, so why bother?

I have GREAT NEWS! During my 7 day art challenge we will create art using supplies that is inexpensive and easy to get. Most of these supplies will be things you have lying around in your house. This challenge will help you discover your inner artist. You will fall in love with your brain and it's artistic ability! This challenge is designed to challenge your idea of art and the requirements to create. At the end of this challenge you will understand great art is not a product of expensive supplies but more the result of applying artistic knowledge and foundational art skills with basic materials such as paint and pencils.

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During this challenge you will:

learn to Use what you have...

Good quality supplies make up 1% of an artwork. The knowledge to use supplies makes up the rest. In this challenge you will use unconventional supplies to create fun and intuitive artworks.

Learn Basic Principles to create and improve your art technically.

In this challenge you will learn to create better art by applying basic art principles. We will focus on using colour, lines and textures to create more impactful - and prettier pictures. WINK-WINK!

challenge your way of thinking about art.

To create great art requires zero talent, getting over this hurdle is the first step to creating art. Art is a input driven skill. The more you create the better you will become. Pair the habit of creating more with some foundational art skills and "BHAM" you have a recipe for creating AMAZING Art!

Find your personal Style

One of the most common questions I get is "How do I find my own style and voice?". This challenge will help you discover your personal style. It's an adventure of discovering yourself and what you want to say with the art you create.

Join my Art Club Facebook Group.

Creating art requires minimum supplies...

Join my 7 DAY UNCONVENTIONAL ART challenge...

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